Testimonies from Yasha visitors
From Routine Religion to Intimate Faith: “I am very grateful that my friend invited me to Yasha Ministries. I was raised in the church and became used to the mundane routine of going to Sunday church services without feeling connected to the church. Recently, by coming to Yasha, I realized with the help of the wonderful and friendly staff that my spiritual lack wasn’t from the church, but from an intimate relationship with Jesus. Yasha Ministries has completely transformed my spiritual life and has given me the greatest gift of our lifetime, which is developing an intimate relationship with Jesus.”
God Heals the Broken Hearted: Your prayer ministry healed my heart following my divorce. Five years after the divorce, I still didn't feel or fully trust that God cared or heard my prayers, because He hadn't answered my 20+ years of prayer for my marriage. But Shawn suggested I ask God what He thought. God said, "I was disappointed too!" about my husband's choice to end the marriage. That realization was an incredible turning point in my life. I remain grateful to God for Yasha!
Free from Depression: “I came to Yasha to receive Sozo Prayer at my wonderful husband’s encouragement. I prayed with Sue and Shawn and the Lord lead me to forgive many people and repent for wrong thinking. I felt so much lighter after the prayer. Depression feels like a weight that holds you down and the weight began to lift. After fasting and prayer, I started my school year refreshed. I’m a HS teacher and that was the best school year of my life and at the end of the year my colleague voted me teacher of the year. I am now leading a bible study for my colleagues and loving it. I have since been able to recognize the depression before it takes hold and pray against it. I thank God for leading me to Yasha to receive the healing I needed through prayer.”
Free from Fear: “God has used Yasha to change my life. Between having two prayer appointments, being mentored, attending nightly events and a conference there, and being encouraged by the love the staff exudes, I have been so blessed by being involved with Yasha. I have lived “stuck” in fear, anxiety, and depression for years. Yasha opened my eyes, making me realize I don’t have to live like this anymore. Freedom and joy can be mine through the healing power of Jesus! I have also grown in my relationship with Jesus and being able to hear His voice. Again, what a difference this has made in my life. Thanks Yasha!”
I Came to Yasha. It is Beautiful - I felt like I was in the “Living Room” of Yahweh. Beautiful presence of Yah! I immediately saw a tree springing up at this crossroads here in Iowa which sits between IA, SD & NE. It’s the Tree of Life. Yahshua spring up like a Menorah giving Life and Light to this region of the States! - SheAnna Nelson